
Since before I could remember, my parents had always taught me one simple principle: “Be open to everything.” It will be something I will carry all my life.

From the tender age of 4, I knew I wanted to help people. And for some reason, Africa had been on my heart. I complained about the negative media attention the African continent received, but I had never had the courage to change that. I wanted people to see the positively beautiful side of Africa they rarely see in the media. I wanted the world to see how beautiful Africa is.

Long story short, everything changed after I met my husband Stephen. He opened me up to the beautiful side of Africa after we visited his family in Uganda. I saw how beautiful and empowered most people living and working in Africa are even though they may not always have a lot to work with. It was a side of Africa I had always believed existed, but now knew for a fact.

This event inspired me to write a book, “The Amazing Pearl of Africa,” upon arriving home. Through that book, I showed a different side of Africa. I had started to change the world.

Still, my soul felt empty. Something was still waiting to be born.

Then, through my loved ones’ support and encouragement, AFRIGINUS was born. My soul was content and at peace.

Now, every time we sell one of our handmade items from Africa, the beautiful side of Africa is presented to the world!

I leave you with this: “Don’t let others form your perception of the world. Form your own.”

Thank you for reading this and helping to change the world!

With Gratitude,
Megan Nsubuga